Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

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170 clubs around the country have achieved insport Club Ribbon Standard or higher, providing inclusive and disability-specific opportunities for sport and physical activity.


insport Series Events

insport Series events provide inclusive sporting opportunities for disabled adults and young people across Wales.

insport Series events are suitable for any skill or experience level, and offer a great opportunity to try a new sport for the first time and maybe uncover a hidden talent! Non-disabled friends and family are welcome to come along and join in too!

Please visit our insport Series website to see what's coming up:

Visit our insport Series website

Inclusion + sport = insport
insport logo
insport logo

insport is a Disability Sport Wales programme delivered with the support of Sport Wales, which aims to support the physical activity, sport, and leisure sectors in delivering inclusively of disabled people. 

Disability Sport Wales have developed frameworks to support Clubs, National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and Local Authorities to deliver excellent standards of inclusion for disabled people in sport and physical activity.

Learn more about insport


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